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Rosie Reviews: Rosie Revere, Engineer

Up next a Mother/Daughter duo from Himani Readers Thailand! This month we are enjoying these guest blog posts for #STEMtastic Spring!

"I'm the real ROSIE!"

Rosie Reviews-

"Hi, My name is Violet Rose and I am the real Rosie Revere. I love to make things just like Rosie. I like to do inventions, draw and paint pictures and make things with Legos. Most of the time I am too shy to show people what I have done because I am afraid it is not good enough and people will laugh. Rosie Revere the Engineer is just like me. She makes great inventions but when people laugh she thinks they are no good and she decides she will never ever make an invention again. Then Rosie’s great- great Aunt Rosie comes and tells Rosie that she will only fail if she doesn’t try. The story makes me feel like I should not be afraid of people laughing and I should be brave and keep trying to make more creations even if I think they are not good. I really like this story because I know that I am just like Rosie Revere, Engineer and I know I can do anything."

Violet Rose Arora 8 years old

Is that YOU Great Aunt Rosie?!

Mama's Two Cents

"I remember in 1st grade getting to make the choice; did I want to be a Girl Scout or a Campfire Girl? Both choices sounded

good; crafts, cooking, camp outs, earning badges. But at 6 years old I had other ideas. I wanted to do the cool stuff the Boy

Scouts got to do. I wanted to build shelters and carve race cars. I wanted to tie knots and learn to work with electric circuits.

My father was a mechanic, my brothers were engineers and my big sister drove a motorcycle, so why couldn’t I learn to do

the things the Boy Scouts did? Sadly it was 1974, and little girls 'just didn’t do those sort of things.' Fast forward (just a few years wink, wink!) to 2019 and I am now the mother of 5 girls of my own. Thanks to books like Rosie Revere, Engineer by the amazing Andrea Beaty, the idea of just what little girls CAN do has changed. (Can I get a HALLELUJAH!!??) But, what I think what I love most about Rosie Revere is not just the message she sends to little girls (OK and boys too) but, to the message she sends to adults. So often our children bring us their “masterpieces”, and so often we unsuspectingly receive it with “yeah that’s nice”, or even a chuckle and a 'What the heck is this?!' Rosie Revere is a great reminder to us that what we say and how we react to children can sometimes hit to the heart of a child. Sometimes us grownups need a little nudge of encouragement too!"

Lise Arora

You can follow this wonderfully creative family on Instagram @kidsartandsoul

The Amazing Books by Andrea Beaty can be found on Amazon!

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