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A Special Father's Day Tribute To The Loss Of Author Scott Sutton

"I Love You Like.." written by father and husband Scott Sutton is a beautiful gift and legacy left behind to his loving family. In honor of the first Father's Day since his untimely passing from cancer, we would like to show our love and support to his family. We feel the need and desire to share this precious book with the world! In 2018, Mr. Sutton while still battling for his health, co-authored this beautiful book so that his son "would have something to hold onto."

Himani Readers USA was honored to receive this sweet tale of a grasshopper father telling his son just how much he loves him. Through a delightful 28 page read, beautifully illustrated with bold attractive colors, our toddler crowd demanded it to be read again and again! You can see the heartfelt sincerity of Scott's fatherhood etched onto every page. Through charming animal characters like a woodpecker and a starfish, our young audience instantly related to the feelings of warmth and security and silliness that fill this book. And as adults who read this out loud, knowing the true story behind the meaningful words, the affect was deeper. One can't help but choke back emotion while reading the love and affection, may we grip our tiny tots a little bit snugger as we read!

The Sutton Family

Mr. Sutton will never know how far to the corners of the earth his book has reached (Thailand for my son and I!) and the many lives that it will continually impact. He had authored his first book simply to leave a parting goodbye to his child, and now his story will continue to forge bonds between parents and caregivers alike to the kids they hold dear, for generations to come.

I urge you to please share copies with your friends, and give as gifts especially to families who may be going through similar circumstances. Himani Readers gives our resounding seal of approval for this book, as well as Grass & Hopping Publishing. We thank Scott and fellow co-author Alec Traub for this beautiful treasure, as well as Anne Sutton who continues to carry the torch and promote Scott's work! Please visit the website in the link above. Wishing our entire community a very Happy Father's Day this weekend, and may we all remember a sweet memory of the men who have impacted our lives positively and shown love and kindness.

Himani Readers USA- Read it Again!!! One More Time!

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