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Ada Twist, Scientist-Guest Blogger Melissa Hellwig (Free Poster!)

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

Picture books have always been a wonderful way to teach kids about the world around them and that’s why it’s so exciting to see more diverse and empowering books than ever before. A favorite of mine and my daughter’s is Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty.  The rhythm and rhyme of the story makes it fun and the illustrations are beautifully drawn, keeping kids engaged.

Most importantly, the story shows little ones that being different is wonderful and that being a scientist is fun and cool. There’s even an underlying message for parents about having a curious child and how to help support this curiosity.

From the time Ada was born, she liked to explore things, but she didn’t talk until she was three. Her parents weren’t worried because they could see her brain working trying to figure out the world around her. When Ada starts to talk, she doesn’t stop, and it is all questions about everything she sees.  Her questions such as ‘why don’t we call it a granddaughter clock’ are funny and interesting.  As she grows, she begins to try and answer the questions she has through science, and the experiments begin!

The house is a mess, Ada’s parents get mad when she tries to put the cat in the dryer, but ultimately, they embrace the special brain of their child.  They read science books, get her a huge dry erase board to use for her questions, and Ada thrives.  She is able to confidently explore her world knowing she is, in fact, a scientist!    

Girl power.  It is no longer just a phrase, but a movement towards ensuring girls know they can be anything they desire.  As a mom to a young girl, I try to make sure she knows that while there’s nothing wrong with dreaming of becoming a princess, there are more options out there.  And where can conversations like this begin? With books like this one of course!

Thank you to Melissa for opening up our eyes to a very empowering read! Himani Readers promotes diversity and is passionate about spurring girls and women towards more careers and work in the STEM field! Have a STEM-tastic Spring everybody! 

Please follow Melissa's Instagram account here: @pursefullofpaperbacks

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